Missed The First Six Classes to A New Earth? Here is a Link
Everything we are learning immediately begins to raise our consciousness, no matter what state we were before and no matter what religion one is affiliated with. It is not about changing ones belief system for another.
What we are learning applies also directly to the Law of Attraction and is so important when consciously manifesting what we want. Being present as much as possible (or all of the time) in everything we do allows us to easily use time, manifest anything much more efficiently and have the kind of life we came to this planet for.
If you missed any of these classes, they can be downloaded in several ways. Chapter 7, "Finding Who You Truly Are" will be discussed live on Monday, April 14th at 9:00 PM EST and the classes are about 90 minutes long.
Here is a link to the previous classes which you can listen to on iTunes, download to CD or DVD, watch the classes on your computer, or even print out the transcripts.
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