Prosperity is a State of Mind

Consciously creating money, prosperity and abundance using metaphysical & spiritual principles such as the Law of Attraction is the focus of this blog. You'll find many great tips, articles, website links, radio talk show guests & personal experiences here. Visit The Isle Of Light online spiritual center and free monthly newsletter at The Isle Of Light Internet radio talk show airs 24/7 on Live365 and is located at:

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Location: Upstate, New York, United States

Chyrene, named by her father Ed Pendleton (journalist, radio & television news personality), was born in Maine and spent her early years and education in Japan where she learned the art of meditation, studied the Bible and expressed herself through art. By the age of 10 she became very knowledgable in spirituality & metaphysics and began teaching. She has volunteered throughout her life for several humanitarian & spiritual organizations and is currently the national coordinator for the global, Planetary Activation Organization. Chyrene holds a college degree in Computer Science. She also graduated from the School of Metaphysics in Colorado. She teaches workshops on many topics, including prosperity, lectures and publishes articles in both mainstream and newage publications.  Chyrene Pendleton is the owner of The Isle Of Light and editor of a free, online spiritual and metaphysical newsletter also called The Isle Of Light. She is a certified television show producer, co-producing The Isle Of Light television talk show in Denver, Colorado, which continues to air biweekly.  She is also the producer and host of The Isle Of Light Internet radio talk show which airs 24/7.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Listen to Webcast of Kathryn Weber Now - "Traditional Feng Shui Tips For Wealth, Health & Success"

Kathryn Weber

"Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Tips for
Wealth, Relationships, Health and Success

The Isle of Light presents Kathryn Weber, Certified Master Feng Shui Master Consultant, publisher of The Red Lotus Letter, the Web's largest free weekly email newsletter and author of the ebook, Applied Feng Shui. Chyrene Pendleton is the host of this fascinating discussion called, "Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Tips for Wealth, Relationships, Health and Success".

Kathryn Weber studied with feng shui master Lillian Too in Kuala Lumpur and practices compass, eight mansions, and flying star feng shui. During the show, Kathryn describes how traditional Chinese feng shui works and she does it in a way we all can easily understand and immediately apply in our lives.

"Your house is like a big satellite dish. You point the satellite dish to the East and you're not going to pick up anything but if you can orient it just right, your picture is going to come in clearly. The idea is that your home has an affect on your whole life. And if you can align it properly with the environment that it's in, then the picture of your life comes in clearly."

Whether we live in an apartment, trailer or house, feng shui can enhance our lives in every way. For example, we learn from Kathryn exactly how we can activate the entire house with just the living room alone. We also learn the importance of using the front door, something many people generally do not do, and excellent tips on how we can enhance the front door area, such as keeping a light on at all times just outside the front door and in the foyer, which will stimulate wealth and assist us in getting the job we want.

"The door is a wealth location and because it's associated with chi [energy], it's associated with wealth. So it's always good to use that front door."

Clutter is another important topic discussed during the show and the affect it has upon people living with clutter in their homes or offices. We learn about the direct relationship between clutter and depression.

"I find it very interesting how many antidepressants are prescribed in America and how much stuff we're surrounded by. And people can't see their way clear. When you are surrounded by things all of the time, it weighs you down. It becomes this big hole that you can't seem to get yourself out of...Dust is very yin so that brings a lot of depression. It brings a lot of negativity, negative thoughts, feeling like you're stuck, you can't get out of the rut. So that's one of the reasons why you don't want so much stuff -- you can't clean!"

Many valuable issues are addressed during the show. Kathryn also speaks about Feng Shui for 2006, which are important tips we all can benefit from. Each year feng shui changes and brings in certain energies which affect each sector of our homes. Kathryn explains how each are affected and what we can do about it now.

For example, she shares important information about the Southeast (Wealth) sector for this year of 2006 and how and why we are to use metal and white colors in this area and absolutely no red colors, candles or flames. For this year only in this area, Kathryn tells us:

"Anybody who sleeps or works in this sector really needs to have that metal. As a matter of fact, somebody who is ill or pregnant or children or old people -- if they're sleeping in the Southeast corner of the house, they should be moved."

To reach Kathryn Weber for a consultation or to order her book, call 361-676-8800 or visit her website at:

Here you will find a link for her book, Applied Feng Shui at the top of the page and contact information on each page for her phone consultations. You can also subscribe to her free, weekly e-zine called The Red Lotus Letter and receive valuable tips to enhance your life which are easy to understand and can be used right away.

Kathryn Weber is a lifestyle coach and instructor who helps her readers create homes they want to come home to. She blends her background in decorating, cleaning, and feng shui with her writing background to bring her message to thousands of readers on how to improve their lives by improving their environments.

Kathryn is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-Zine, a publication that goes out to over 12,000 subscribers a month, a home lifestyle newspaper columnist for the Victoria Advocate, and the Cleaning Editor for

She has been interviewed on television and radio and featured in publications from the Dallas Morning News, the Raleigh News & Observer, the Indy Star, First for Women, Seventeen Magazine, More Magazine, and for websites and publications all over the world. Her clients include businesses and homeowners in the United States and abroad who want to create inviting, productive, and prosperous spaces by incorporating the principles of feng shui. She is a sought-after instructor and speaker and leads informative, fun, and educational talks and seminars. She challenges YOU to get more enjoyment out of life by getting more OUT of your house with feng shui.

Interview Times and Dates

This interview with Kathryn Weber airs on Live365 on the following dates and times:

Monday, February 27th at 1 AM, 9 AM and 5 PM EST, Wednesday, March 1st at 7 AM, 3 PM and 11 PM EST, Saturday, March 4th at 6 AM, 2 PM and 10 PM, repeating every three days on a rotating time schedule. Schedule information can be found in the Radio/Television section of The Isle Of Light at as well as on The Isle Of Light radio station broadcast schedule at:

The times listed above are all for Eastern Standard Time (EST). On the bottom of the Live365 schedule page and you will see the message "Please update your GMT offset to correct any time discrepancies". Make sure the GMT is adjusted (using the scroll down arrow) so the correct times for your area are shown on the schedule.

How To Listen

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The Isle Of Light at is designed to assist in the empowerment and enlightenment of all who dare to venture. A free, monthly subscription to the newsletter/E-Zine also called, The Isle Of Light is available.

As you explore, please visit the Catalog section featuring beautiful and unique artwork, accelerators, books, CDs and accessories - all created and inspired by those who are assisting in raising the consciousness of the planet.

If you are interesting in becoming a guest on The Isle Of Light, please contact the producer, Chyrene Pendleton, by email at

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wealth, Careers and Your Front Door

During a recent radio show interview I had with Feng Shui Master Practitioner, Kathryn Weber, she shared powerful tips we can all use to attract wealth and a career, whether we understand feng shui or not. Its all about using our front door, which she says most Americans do not do.

"The door is a wealth location and because it's associated with chi [energy], it's associated with wealth. So it's always good to use that front door."

Kathryn also shared tips on what we can do to enhance our front door area outside as well as inside, including the foyer. We must keep this area clean and looking good. Keeping a light on at all times just outside the front door and in the foyer is also important. Doing these things, including making sure we are using our front doors, results in directly stimulating our personal wealth and careers.

I'll share the mp3 link of this fascinating interview shortly. In the meantime, check out her website and ezine at:

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Manifesting Message Called, "Just a Thought"

This is another great message from Chief Joseph, channeled through John Cali about manifesting. Enjoy.

Sentinels of the Sky
Conversations with Chief Joseph

Just A Thought
John Cali

Just before I left New York last week, one of my family was asking me if I was stressed out over a serious, possibly life-threatening, problem another close family member was having.

"No," I replied. I felt the intensity that person was dealing with, but I was not about to take on her problem and get all stressed out over it. I was not going to make someone else’s problem, no matter how much I loved her, my problem. I was not going to think bad-feeling thoughts and put out those negative vibrations.

That same family member who was asking me about all this then started talking about his health. He’s actually in pretty good health. But he was focusing on all the things that might go wrong -- all the health problems that might happen. After all, he said, look at our family’s health history -- all these folks died of heart disease, and other maladies. It’s in our genes, he said.

My response was "Bullshit! Why would you even think about those things? Count your blessings. Look at how healthy you are, at all the blessings, including tons of money, you’ve got in your life. Because all those family members chose to make their exit that way doesn’t mean you have to."

What I was saying, of course, is you create your own reality. But I didn’t put it in those words. He would not have understood that.

But I did say our thoughts are very important. And it’s important to focus our thoughts on the positives in our lives
But he didn’t get it. What determined our fates, as he saw it, was what had happened to other people -- you know, the "statistics." We are powerless pawns in the game of life. What a sad way to live!

Here’s Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

You live in a world ruled by vibration. Your thoughts are vibrations you send out to the Universe. And the Universe responds in kind.

In other words, whatever you’re thinking mostly about is what you’re creating more of in your life. It’s pretty simple: What you think is what you get.

You have a saying: "Just a thought."

Well, it’s not just a thought. Your thoughts are the most powerful force in the Universe and -- obviously -- in your life.

Whatever you think about mostly, you create.

This is the way it works:

You think a thought. That thought sets up a vibration. The Universe responds instantly to that vibration. And the more you keep thinking that thought, the faster the manifestations will be.
If the thought you’re thinking feels good to you, you’re creating what you want. If the thought you’re thinking feels bad to you, you’re creating what you don’t want.

Friends, it’s that simple. The process of manifestation is the simplest, easiest thing you will ever do in your life.

But what you create is totally up to you.

You can create deliberately. In other words, you can think good-feeling thoughts. Let’s say you want more dollars. Then take care, when you think about money, to think about it in ways you can feel good about. For example, how would you spend those extra dollars on things you want?

Or you can create by default, by settling for the thinking of the mass consciousness. Which is: There is never enough.
Our point is this: However you create -- deliberately or by default -- your thoughts, positive or negative, are setting up vibrations to which the Universe immediately responds.

You will know if your thoughts are aligned with your higher purpose, your higher self, by whether they feel good or bad.

Your thoughts create your feelings. Good feelings mean you are manifesting what you want. Bad feelings mean you are manifesting what you don’t want.

We realize this discussion today is only "the tip of the iceberg." We will go into the subject in more detail another time.

In the meantime, think good thoughts. Do whatever it takes to feel good about your life.
Even if it means ignoring the doomsayers around you.

Just a thought . . .

Sentinels of the Sky: Conversations with Chief Joseph
Copyright © 2006 Great Western Publishing

Friday, February 03, 2006

Any Results To Share With This Technique?

So, how have you been doing with "faking it until you make it"? Did you try this technique for at least 24 hours? If so, please share your results!

Several years ago in college, I wanted this particular job because it paid exceptionally well, the location was ideal, the hours were perfect and allowed me to go to school full-time as well as run my part-time business, it was in my computer science field, it had numerous benefits, etc. It seemed "too good to be true" and the one open position was advertised in a major newspaper for thousands to see.

Since I really wanted this job, I began to "act as if" I already had it as I prepared for the interview. During the interview as I was shown around the premises, I practiced "seeing" myself working there as vividly as I could. I made sure I took in all of the details so I could bring it into my visualizations at home. When the interview was over, I "knew" I had the job although the person interviewing me clearly didn't like me. I worked there happily through college and afterwards until I attracted a better opportunity and I started this process all over again.

I just want you to know that it really does work and it works continuously if we practice this each day. What happens when we act or pretend as if we did get that job or career or anything we want, is that we draw it to us very quickly, like a magnet.