Listen to Webcast of Kathryn Weber Now - "Traditional Feng Shui Tips For Wealth, Health & Success"
Kathryn Weber
"Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Tips for
Wealth, Relationships, Health and Success"
The Isle of Light presents Kathryn Weber, Certified Master Feng Shui Master Consultant, publisher of The Red Lotus Letter, the Web's largest free weekly email newsletter and author of the ebook, Applied Feng Shui. Chyrene Pendleton is the host of this fascinating discussion called, "Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Tips for Wealth, Relationships, Health and Success".
Kathryn Weber studied with feng shui master Lillian Too in Kuala Lumpur and practices compass, eight mansions, and flying star feng shui. During the show, Kathryn describes how traditional Chinese feng shui works and she does it in a way we all can easily understand and immediately apply in our lives.
"Your house is like a big satellite dish. You point the satellite dish to the East and you're not going to pick up anything but if you can orient it just right, your picture is going to come in clearly. The idea is that your home has an affect on your whole life. And if you can align it properly with the environment that it's in, then the picture of your life comes in clearly."
Whether we live in an apartment, trailer or house, feng shui can enhance our lives in every way. For example, we learn from Kathryn exactly how we can activate the entire house with just the living room alone. We also learn the importance of using the front door, something many people generally do not do, and excellent tips on how we can enhance the front door area, such as keeping a light on at all times just outside the front door and in the foyer, which will stimulate wealth and assist us in getting the job we want.
"The door is a wealth location and because it's associated with chi [energy], it's associated with wealth. So it's always good to use that front door."
Clutter is another important topic discussed during the show and the affect it has upon people living with clutter in their homes or offices. We learn about the direct relationship between clutter and depression.
"I find it very interesting how many antidepressants are prescribed in America and how much stuff we're surrounded by. And people can't see their way clear. When you are surrounded by things all of the time, it weighs you down. It becomes this big hole that you can't seem to get yourself out of...Dust is very yin so that brings a lot of depression. It brings a lot of negativity, negative thoughts, feeling like you're stuck, you can't get out of the rut. So that's one of the reasons why you don't want so much stuff -- you can't clean!"
Many valuable issues are addressed during the show. Kathryn also speaks about Feng Shui for 2006, which are important tips we all can benefit from. Each year feng shui changes and brings in certain energies which affect each sector of our homes. Kathryn explains how each are affected and what we can do about it now.
For example, she shares important information about the Southeast (Wealth) sector for this year of 2006 and how and why we are to use metal and white colors in this area and absolutely no red colors, candles or flames. For this year only in this area, Kathryn tells us:
"Anybody who sleeps or works in this sector really needs to have that metal. As a matter of fact, somebody who is ill or pregnant or children or old people -- if they're sleeping in the Southeast corner of the house, they should be moved."
To reach Kathryn Weber for a consultation or to order her book, call 361-676-8800 or visit her website at:
Here you will find a link for her book, Applied Feng Shui at the top of the page and contact information on each page for her phone consultations. You can also subscribe to her free, weekly e-zine called The Red Lotus Letter and receive valuable tips to enhance your life which are easy to understand and can be used right away.
Kathryn Weber is a lifestyle coach and instructor who helps her readers create homes they want to come home to. She blends her background in decorating, cleaning, and feng shui with her writing background to bring her message to thousands of readers on how to improve their lives by improving their environments.
Kathryn is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-Zine, a publication that goes out to over 12,000 subscribers a month, a home lifestyle newspaper columnist for the Victoria Advocate, and the Cleaning Editor for
She has been interviewed on television and radio and featured in publications from the Dallas Morning News, the Raleigh News & Observer, the Indy Star, First for Women, Seventeen Magazine, More Magazine, and for websites and publications all over the world. Her clients include businesses and homeowners in the United States and abroad who want to create inviting, productive, and prosperous spaces by incorporating the principles of feng shui. She is a sought-after instructor and speaker and leads informative, fun, and educational talks and seminars. She challenges YOU to get more enjoyment out of life by getting more OUT of your house with feng shui.
Interview Times and Dates
This interview with Kathryn Weber airs on Live365 on the following dates and times:
Monday, February 27th at 1 AM, 9 AM and 5 PM EST, Wednesday, March 1st at 7 AM, 3 PM and 11 PM EST, Saturday, March 4th at 6 AM, 2 PM and 10 PM, repeating every three days on a rotating time schedule. Schedule information can be found in the Radio/Television section of The Isle Of Light at as well as on The Isle Of Light radio station broadcast schedule at:
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